An Isar Race – with floating animals – AGAIN.

Ahoy, Seasoned Adventurers of the Isar, citizens of Bavaria and surroundings! The floating event of the year is back and our favorite aquatic means of transportation are waiting for us to go on another ride. We hope you already prepared your unicorns and flamingos for this summer and if you haven’t go to your trusted float supplier right now and get them quick!

The date for this year’s most random race event in Munich is 10th of August. You can find all the event’s details below. Also remember to check the FAQs for other important details and answers to not-so-philosophical questions.

🦩 So, what is this about?

The idea is pretty straightforward: jump on a float and enjoy yourself sailing down the Isar. You can be a lightning fast sailor or chill, letting the current slowly drag you until the destination point. At the end of the race a picnic or BBQ will be prepared to recover all your energy from such an exhausting journey.

🦄 What is the route we will follow?

The race starts at the beach right by the Grünwalder Brücke. The best way to get there is by train, hopping off at the Höllriegelskreuth (S7 line) and walking ~10 minutes downhill. To reach the beach just follow this awesome map:

Note there is a small kiosk on the way to get some refreshing drinks before floating downstream if you like. It could be that the kiosk is closed, so make sure you anyway bring some water with you to drink during the race!

The end is right before Marienklause, ~6km downstream. Our ‘Plan A’ for a BBQ spot is right by the river, as shown in this other awesome map:

And for those who like the bird-eye view of things, here goes the full route:

🦩 When do we start?

Race start will happen at 10.30 by the Grünwalder Brücke. We will inflate all the floats at the starting point, lift the anchors and start the route together. Please be at the beach by 9.30 to 10.00 latest! Try hard not to be late because we cannot guarantee we’ll be able to hold all those eager unicorns and flamingos. beyond 10.30..

🦄 Is it safe?

It is super safe. You must be able to swim though. A dedicated inflatable boat, a.k.a. the ‘mothership’ will protect you the whole way, making sure no one is left behind. If you feel shipwrecked, tired, cold or just want to relax a little, you can hold onto it or jump in and it will take you in like a hen takes in her chicks. This is a big and tougher inflatable boat that can host up to 6 people if need be. If you drift off, the mothership will even rescue you with a lifeline.

If at any point you want to stop, there are paths along the river throughout the whole journey. If at any time you feel like stopping or feel uncomfortable in the water, let those around you know and step onto the river side. We will send someone to pick you up in due time.

We will also ensure that the event takes place at low tide by carefully monitoring weather and water levels. So don’t worry about a thing and just enjoy the ride – Hakuna Matata!

🦩 What do you need to bring?

At least try to bring the following with you at the event:

  • Floatie of your choice
  • Something to inflate with – one pump for every 4 to 5 floats is good enough!
  • Oars or anything necessary to navigate and control the wild beast while going downstream
  • Swimwear
  • Sunscreen
  • Cap or fancy hat to cover your head from the sun
  • Comfortable water shoes or sandals. Do not pretend to do this barefoot!
  • Waterproof cover for valuables (sealed plastic bag, for example)
  • Water to not fall behind on hydration

Please DO NOT bring any kind of glass bottles or alcohol during the race. This is very important.

All valuables that you bring with you -smartphones, wallets, etc.- will be stored in two waterproof containers. and brought safely downstream in the ‘mothership’.

There will be a car parked nearby the BBQ spot, where you can drop other useful stuff before the event and use it right at the end. If you want to leave anything in the car, make sure to contact the organisers and give them any of the following up to Friday 9th of August:

  • Towel
  • Change of clothes
  • Waterproof cover for valuables
  • Food for the BBQ – to be kept in a fridge while we sail
  • anything else that would make you happy and that fits in the car…

Few vegetables and drinks are already provided for the BBQ, so that no one leaves thirsty nor without eating healthy.

🦄 Which inflatables are allowed?

Everything you can imagine. The unicorns are already hoofing it and the flamingos are in the area for the summer, but you can also ride a camel, a pizza, a pineapple or a tank – whatever suits you best. The only rule is that it has to be inflatable.